Thursday, August 6, 2009

I am Sorry

I am Sorry..mungkin kata2 pembuka bicara..hihi..kepada cik aina yang bagi saya award ni..sori sangat2 lambat nak ambik...bnyak bnyk halangan yang mengurangkan masa cek bersama blog ni sblum ni..hihi..apapun thanks nnti cek bagi award kat hang k..yg "boom" pnya..hihi..
anyway,this is the award

grand award ni..hihi

Here is some rules to join international blogger community:

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above,the rules and questionnaire in this post.

3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.

4. Answer the four questions following these rules.
5. Recruit at least seven(7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.

6. Come back to BloGGiST INFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave and the URL of your post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.

7. Have Fun!Questions & Your answers:

1. The person tagged you: cik Aina.

2, His/her site's tittle and url:

3. Date when you were tagged: July 29, 2009

4. Persons you tagged 5 person:

1. hanz
2. Umai
3. Lino

4. arfah

5. all of my followers

This is new award

especially for:
1.cik aina
2.cik lino

5. all of my followers

just a simple rule:

1. link your award from: my own award(

2. pilih seberapa orang kawan yang anda suka

3.kenapa anda pilih kawan anda untuk menerima award ni?

1. cik aina: sememangnya sorang yang kreatif lagi aktive dalam yang menarik dengan cite2 baru..teruskan k..

2: cik lino: blog yang sentiasa bersemangat dengan luahan hati..penyeri duka lara..hihi

3: ct-k: layout yang sentiasa up to date...menarik

4.hanzsensei: selalu mengahsilkan lagu2 yang menarik dalam blognya. blog yang kemas dan matang

5:all bloggers: korang memang hebat...hihi

p/s: jangan termakan hati kalau komen kurang menarik..korang semua hebat...hihi


  1. hahahaii lawanyeee award mu ini.. siap ckp cek kreatif ni yg terharu biru ni.. ahak..ok2 cek ambik..ngeee

  2. aku jua award madie..wah!!thx..nnti r ak wt..ada masa nnti ya..huhuh~

  3. hohohohoho....



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Thursday, August 6, 2009

I am Sorry

I am Sorry..mungkin kata2 pembuka bicara..hihi..kepada cik aina yang bagi saya award ni..sori sangat2 lambat nak ambik...bnyak bnyk halangan yang mengurangkan masa cek bersama blog ni sblum ni..hihi..apapun thanks nnti cek bagi award kat hang k..yg "boom" pnya..hihi..
anyway,this is the award

grand award ni..hihi

Here is some rules to join international blogger community:

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Copy the image above,the rules and questionnaire in this post.

3. Post this in one or all of your blogs.

4. Answer the four questions following these rules.
5. Recruit at least seven(7) friends on your Blog Roll by sharing this with them.

6. Come back to BloGGiST INFo CoRNeR (PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK) at and leave and the URL of your post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.

7. Have Fun!Questions & Your answers:

1. The person tagged you: cik Aina.

2, His/her site's tittle and url:

3. Date when you were tagged: July 29, 2009

4. Persons you tagged 5 person:

1. hanz
2. Umai
3. Lino

4. arfah

5. all of my followers

This is new award

especially for:
1.cik aina
2.cik lino

5. all of my followers

just a simple rule:

1. link your award from: my own award(

2. pilih seberapa orang kawan yang anda suka

3.kenapa anda pilih kawan anda untuk menerima award ni?

1. cik aina: sememangnya sorang yang kreatif lagi aktive dalam yang menarik dengan cite2 baru..teruskan k..

2: cik lino: blog yang sentiasa bersemangat dengan luahan hati..penyeri duka lara..hihi

3: ct-k: layout yang sentiasa up to date...menarik

4.hanzsensei: selalu mengahsilkan lagu2 yang menarik dalam blognya. blog yang kemas dan matang

5:all bloggers: korang memang hebat...hihi

p/s: jangan termakan hati kalau komen kurang menarik..korang semua hebat...hihi


  1. hahahaii lawanyeee award mu ini.. siap ckp cek kreatif ni yg terharu biru ni.. ahak..ok2 cek ambik..ngeee

  2. aku jua award madie..wah!!thx..nnti r ak wt..ada masa nnti ya..huhuh~

  3. hohohohoho....
